PTP Matters for ST 2110

Migrating to ST 2110 media networks brings exciting possibilities, but also new complexities like Precision Time Protocol (PTP) synchronization. While PTP offers superior performance to traditional methods, its intricacies demand a thorough understanding for users.

The Importance of Redundancy

PTP uses multiple lead clocks to create redundancy in media networks. The Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) selects one to be the active grandmaster (GM). If this GM experiences issues, the BMCA seamlessly selects another. However, complex real-world networks can impact how smoothly changeovers happen.

Unlocking the Secrets of Smooth Transitions

Our latest white paper, PTP System Commissioning: Grandmaster Changeover, spotlights critical factors including:

  • Graceful vs abrupt changeover events
  • Detailed testing using advanced waveform monitoring and sync generation tools
  • Practical knowledge for managing ST 2110 and PTP networks

Download your free copy of the white paper today and master PTP system commissioning!