Improve your knowledge of cloud-born infrastructures and workflows

Productive Cloud Workflows Essential Guide from the Broadcast Bridge

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What do “cloud workflows” mean, and why are cloud workflows so powerful? How do they work, and how do we use them to empower collaboration and future-proofing broadcast facilities?

The Broadcast Bridge Productive Cloud Workflows Essential Guide shares what it means to operate in the cloud. It provides answers to the above questions and answers to scaling, SaaS provision, collaboration, and APIs. RESTful control and monitoring combined with JSON data exchange have proved itself in the rest of the internet community.

Topics covered include:

  • Scaling Sideways
  • Software in the cloud
  • Keeping media in the cloud
  • Making Cloud Work
  • Sponsor Perspective

Written for technologists, their managers, and anybody looking to improve their knowledge of cloud-native infrastructures and workflows, the Essential Guide looks at how the cloud influences broadcast television. Complete the form for a copy of the guide.