Fundamentals of Safe Streaming

Industry analyst Steve Vonder Haar takes a look at the evolving landscape of content security, and how advanced cyberthreats necessitate more advanced streaming security protocols to protect proprietary content.

Wainhouse Research, an independent market research firm in the unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) market, published its report on the state of streaming security in a whitepaper. This report outlines why there is a need for secure streaming technology and the top considerations for video streaming security platforms.

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Steve Vonder Haar, senior analyst at Wainhouse and author of this report, takes an in-depth look at the landscape of video content security and which industries value it the most.

In addition, this report covers:

  • The various security offerings currently in the market
  • An analysis of how different companies are securing content
  • What to look for in a secure video streaming and management platform

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